Plan and manage employees with L1NDA
Always a complete staff schedule for your business? Create schedules, keep track of worked hours for payment, insights into expected revenue and staff costs? With L1NDA staff planning software, you can do all of that and more within 1 platform. Using real time statistics, you gain insight into busy and slow periods. Plan your fixed team based on this information and fill schedule gaps with flex workers. Create overview and save time by scheduling the right people, in the right place at the right time. Enabling you to grow your business and increase revenue.

Plan & manage your team
One platform to plan and manage your team
Find freelancers
Need extra hands? Find flexible employees with a few clicks
Connect to your system
Easily integrate L1NDA with your POS, hour registration, payroll or management tool.
Simple time recording with L1NDA and EasySecure
Preparing your payroll properly is as easy as 1-2-3 with solid personnel planning and timekeeping. With L1NDA and EasySecure, you stay in control of personnel costs. Automatically synchronize hours worked from EasySecure to L1NDA. This gives you a clear time registration, saving you time when approving hours worked. In addition, you always have the latest statistics at your disposal. This allows you to easily manage working hours and revenue. Not only you as a manager will benefit, your employee can also easily check his or her worked hours.
L1NDA and EasySecure allow you to:
- Save time tracking and recording hours
- Automatically sync worked hours from EasySecure to L1NDA
- Ensure correct payrolling within a few clicks