About clocko:do
Your EasySecure data in clear clocko:do reports!
With the automatic interface, you and your employees not only record times. The bookings are automatically send into clocko:do's time registration, project reports and time sheets, for a complete overview of your company in the cloud.
Who needs it and why? clocko:do is suitable for small and medium-sized companies. The intuitive interface, combined with the flexible reports, makes clocko:do exactly the software you need to get the most out of every minute.

The individual target and actual hours are displayed on the time sheets. This way, plus and minus hours can be read at any time, added up per day, week, month and year.
In the absence management, employees enter their requests for leave, sick leave, overtime reduction and more. A filterable calendar shows who is absent and when. Public holidays can be set and adjusted individually per country.
For accurate project evaluations, enter your customers, projects and services. Assign budgets and hourly rates to projects and book unproductive time. With the convenient construction kit for reports, you can sort and filter evaluations tailored to your company. You can invoice the entries directly via partner tools.

EasySecure & clocko:do
EasySecure believes in best-of-breed solutions and is open to partnerships with companies that offer real added value for our end customers.
clocko:do is an excellent partner where customers' satisfaction is paramount.
Together, EasySecure and clocko:do work in the field of time registration and have so far offered flexible and custom-fit solutions to various customers at different locations.
This has resulted in a nice EasySecure - clocko:do integration
EasySecure imports employees with employee number, first name, last name, start date and contract end date fully automatically into the EasySecure Cloud platform.
When an employee joins an organization and is entered into the clocko:do platform, this person is automatically in the EasySecure Cloud platform for access control, time registration and attendance.
In the EasySecure platform you can easily link a registration tool. Registration for (working) time and access control is possible with a mobile phone, card, QR, code, finger and face.
When an employee registers start, stop and break times, this data isautomatically forwarded to clocko:do.