Why EasySecure at Supermarkets?
Supermarkets have many opening and stocking hours. These hours are often filled by part-time employees. Many employees are students. This results in a high staff turnover rate. This situation applies to the entire retail trade.
Problem at Albert Heijn supermarket in Appingedam
More than 200 employees work here. Keeping track of the hours was a weekly job that took many hours. All lists were processed each week, with the corresponding bottlenecks such as half-readable, half-completed, etc. The division into permanent and temporary employees was an additional intensive job.
Apart from the timekeeping and processing, the key management was also a daily hassle. Especially because of the long days from 7 a.m. to often 11 p.m. In addition to external doors and the doors to various rooms, the control of access to the money counting room is very important.
Multiple locations
By using the EasySecure Cloud software, the head office has insight into access control, time and attendance across all branches. The regional manager has access to the shops in his area, the location manager to his own branch and the HR department can, for example, only see the time registration data.
Solution with biometrics, card readers and mobile applications.
By installing an integrated time, access and attendance system, the above-mentioned problems were tackled in one go. Registration is possible by mobile phone, card, tag, code and/or finger.