Partner in the picture: EasySecure & PMT

Was that one employee there yesterday or not? And what time did he leave again? These are questions that are a thing of the past with the biometric clocking systems from EasySecure. Without the hassle of lost cards, because the system registers on the basis of the employee's fingerprint.
EasySecure is one of Europe's major players in biometric identity management and access control. Among other things, they offer supermarkets a 'time clock system' based on fingerprints: the number of hours worked by employees is immediately registered digitally, simply by means of a scan of the fingertip.
Valuable cooperation
Thanks to the link between EasySecure and PMT, department managers can see the hours worked directly in PMT, where they can compare them with the work schedule. Only in the event of a deviation does the manager have to decide which hours to pay. Everything is recorded, so no more ambiguity or discussions.
Optimal service
The good cooperation with Retail Solutions and the short lines of communication between the two companies ensure optimal service. Werner Roest: "If a customer has a question, Retail Solutions and we know where to find each other immediately, no matter where the question is. We feel jointly responsible for an optimal customer experience and meet regularly to look for the best solution together."
Robin Wahle, partner of Retail Solutions, agrees: "It is nice to see that EasySecure and Retail Solutions have almost the same DNA: an enormous preference for making life easy and a customer focus that goes far. That makes the cooperation very pleasant. For us, but I think also for our customers."
"The link is ideal. Now the managers only need to log into PMT to see the clocked times and they can approve them immediately. "Werner Roest, director and founder of EasySecure.