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3 benefits of smart time registration for staff

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

How are working hours recorded in your organisation? Manually? Digitally? Or even automatically? Smart time registration is an important part of an efficient organisation these days. It allows employees to register their working hours by department easily and quickly, while greatly reducing the time you spend on payroll.

In this blog, we share three benefits of smart time tracking. We also introduce you to some solutions that will ensure your organisation saves time, money and double work. Let's get started!

It saves time

Manually tracking hours worked per employee, address or location is enormously time-consuming. Especially as these then have to be entered digitally again by administrative staff. This double action is both time-consuming and unnecessary.


Indeed, smart time registration solutions make it easy for employees to record their working hours quickly and easily. Without the hassle of paper forms or complicated processes. Even if work is carried out at different addresses or departments during the day, this is easy to register with a tablet or Suprema time registration system.

It is more accurate

People are sensitive to errors, especially when it comes to manual and duplicate operations. Smart time registration solutions ensure much higher accuracy and reliability. Through RFID verification or smartphone apps, working hours can be accurately recorded and monitored. This saves your organisation from making unnecessary mistakes. Mistakes that can easily run into costs if they are not spotted in time.


Payroll administration becomes a piece of cake

Instead of recording the registered hours digitally once again, administrative staff only have to perform the necessary checks. Is it correct? Then a pay slip is a matter of minutes, because all the necessary data had already been entered digitally in the first place. This saves duplicate operations, human errors and therefore time.

In addition, digitally registering working hours gives you insight into the actual hours worked. Simple reports allow you to analyse the working hours per department, location or employee at any time. As an extra check, or to optimise the workflow so that your organisation can work even more efficiently in the long run.

Time registration solutions for effective and fast personnel management

Exactly what time registration looks like differs from sector to sector. Let's look at the most effective timekeeping solutions at two different sectors.

Time registration for retail 

Within the retail sector, employees are almost always on site. By fitting time registration systems at the entrance and per department, employees can easily record their hours the moment they change departments. Have they finished their shift? Then they simply clock out. All hours worked per department are then automatically registered in EasySecure's online management centre. All necessary data can be viewed in it immediately.

In case the hours worked are mainly made in one location, we recommend implementing time registration systems from Suprema in the organisation. These multifunctional and advanced systems not only let you record hours easily, they can also be used as an access control tool. Instead of, for example, the traditional combination of cylinder and key.

Suprema's time registration systems let you record hours worked easily with an RFID card or smartphone. Do you change departments? Then simply scan your card or phone and the system will automatically know that your working hours should be registered in that department from then on.

Time registration for construction
At companies in the construction industry, timekeeping looks very different. Most employees are not at headquarters, but at the construction site. Maintenance workers may even visit ten different addresses in one day. Here, it is very important that the exact hours worked are recorded per address so that invoicing seamlessly matches reality.

In this case, time recording by smartphone or tablet is much more convenient. With EasySecure's smart software, employees can book their hours worked per address. This avoids a huge time burden of paper registration and the subsequent entry of working hours by an administrative employee.

Seamless integration with your current software
EasySecure's solutions integrate seamlessly with other software applications. More than 100 integrations are available as standard. For example, you can integrate EasySecure's time & attendance solutions with your WFM & planning software. The result? Hours worked per employee are automatically registered. This makes printing out a pay slip easier than ever.

Is a new employee joining the company? Then EasySecure can automatically assign access rights and time registration capabilities to this employee after signing. Does an employee leave? Then they are automatically removed again.

Wondering how your organisation can save time by using smart time registration? We would be happy to help. Request a free consultation or call +31 (0) 85 01500 00 for more information.

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